
Date of case study: 11/2023
Industry of business: NFT’a
Established: 2022
LightningChart solution: XY Charts


Originally founded in January 2022, Mintify put a small team together to launch Mintify’s MVP. Since then, Mintify has released a scalable, multi-chain, and multi-marketplace infrastructure raising $1.6M for their pre-seed stage. Mintify is a modular trading terminal for NFT-Fi, powered by $ME. One can discover, analyze, trade, and mint NFTs using Mintify’s power multi-chain terminal.


Mintify’s Modular Trading Terminal for NTF-Fi.

Why did you choose LightningChart JS?

We’ve explored numerous solutions to support our front-end needs with graphs and your charts seemed like the most viable solution. We are currently using your standard graphs and the heatmap and we are in the process of expanding into radar charts and funnel charts. We use the charts to display KPIs for NFT collections. 

The best attribute of LightningChart is Speed, your speed is incomparable. The initial library load and the fact that we can serve the data points dynamically make your solution a game changer. Some of the benefits we have achieved by using LightningChart as faster execution, new features developed, and accurate data.

“We work with big data and your performance was incomparable to the rest of the products.”

Evan Varsamis

Mintify | Founder & CEO

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